How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Garage – A Comprehensive Guide

Summertime is when many people spend more time outdoors. This also means that spiders are more likely to make their way into your garage, where they can spin their webs and lay their eggs. While spiders are generally harmless, most people don’t want them in their living space. If you’re looking for ways to keep spiders out of your garage, here are some tips.

How to Keep Spiders Out of a Garage – Nels Garage

The Importance of Keeping Spiders Away from Your Garage

Spiders are not inherently dangerous, but they can cause problems in your garage. They can clog up corners and equipment, and their webs can be a nuisance or a danger. Apart from that, some spider species can bite, and while most bites are not serious, a few species can cause significant harm to humans.

Proven Methods to Keep Spiders Out of Your Garage

1. Declutter and Clean Regularly:

Spiders love to hide in clutter, so the first step to keeping them out is to declutter your garage. Get rid of any unnecessary items, and make sure to clean regularly. Vacuum or sweep the floor, and wipe down any surfaces that spiders might like to hide in.

How To Keep Spiders Out Of Garage - 6 Easy And Effective Steps

2. Seal Entry Points:

Spiders can get into your garage through even the smallest cracks or holes. Inspect your garage for any potential entry points, and seal them up with caulk or weatherstripping. Pay special attention to areas around windows, doors, and pipes.

3. Use Natural Spider Repellents:

There are a number of natural spider repellents that you can use to keep spiders out of your garage. Some of the most effective include peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus peels. You can apply these repellents around the perimeter of your garage, or put them in small dishes and place them in areas where spiders are likely to congregate.

4. Keep Your Garage Dry:

Spiders are attracted to moisture. If your garage is damp or humid, it will be more attractive to spiders. To keep your garage dry, make sure to keep it well-ventilated. You can also use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.

5. Eliminate Food Sources:

Spiders are attracted to food, so one of the best ways to keep them out of your garage is to eliminate any food sources. This includes pet food, bird seed, and other food items that might attract insects, which in turn attract spiders.

6. Use a Professional Pest Control Service:

If you have a severe spider problem, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control service. A pest control professional will be able to identify the type of spiders that are infesting your garage, and they will be able to recommend the best treatment.

Additional Tips for Keeping Spiders Away

Keep Outdoor Lights Turned Off:

Spiders are attracted to light, so keeping your outdoor lights turned off can help to keep them away from your garage.

Use Sticky Traps:

Sticky traps can be an effective way to catch spiders. Place a sticky trap in areas where spiders are likely to travel, such as near windows or doors.

Vacuum Regularly:

Vacuuming regularly can help to remove spiders and their webs. Be sure to vacuum in all the corners and crevices of your garage.

How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Garage


By following the tips in this article, you can help to keep spiders out of your garage. Remember, the key is to create an environment that is unattractive to spiders and to seal up any potential entry points. With a little effort, you can keep your garage spider-free all summer long.

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