How to Keep Yellow Jackets Away from Your Pool – A Comprehensive Guide

Summertime is the perfect time to enjoy your pool with family and friends. But there’s one uninvited guest that can quickly ruin the fun: yellow jackets. These pesky insects can be aggressive and their stings are painful. What’s worse, they’re attracted to the sweet smell of pool chemicals. But don’t worry, there are several effective ways to keep yellow jackets away from your pool so you can enjoy your summer without the worry of stings.

5 Foolproof Ways to Repel Yellow Jackets for Good

Yellow jackets are common wasps that can often be found in backyards during the warmer months. They build their nests in the ground or in trees, and they are very protective of their territory. When someone or something gets too close to their nest, they will often attack.

Keep Your Pool Clean

One of the best ways to keep yellow jackets away from your pool is to keep it clean. Remove any debris from the pool, such as leaves and insects. This will help to reduce the number of hiding places for yellow jackets.

Cover Your Pool When Not in Use

When you’re not using your pool, cover it with a tarp or pool cover. This will help to prevent yellow jackets from getting inside the pool and building a nest.

Remove Standing Water

Yellow jackets are attracted to standing water, so remove any standing water around your pool. This includes birdbaths, puddles, and clogged gutters.

41+ How To Keep Yellow Jackets From Building Nests In Yard Full - Artistry

Keep Your Grill Clean

Yellow jackets are attracted to the smell of food, so keep your grill clean and store it away when not in use.

Avoid Wearing Bright Colors or Perfumes

Yellow jackets are attracted to bright colors and perfumes. Avoid wearing these items when you’re near your pool.

If You See a Yellow Jacket, Don’t Panic

If you see a yellow jacket, don’t panic. Stay calm and slowly back away. If the yellow jacket follows you, cover your head and run to safety.

Call a Professional

If you have a lot of yellow jackets around your pool, you should call a professional pest control company. They will be able to safely and effectively remove the yellow jackets from your property.

How To Keep Yellow Jackets Away From Pool

Additional Tips

Here are a few additional tips to help you keep yellow jackets away from your pool:

  • Plant peppermint around your pool. The scent of peppermint repels yellow jackets.
  • Hang yellow jackets traps around your pool. These traps will attract and kill yellow jackets.
  • Use a citronella candle or torch. The scent of citronella also repels yellow jackets.

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